20,000 Blocks — Green Zone — Bridging

At the SmartGeometry 2016 we defined three independent experimental zones within our Minecraft server. That way 20,000 Blocks got the blue, orange and green test fields on which participants could try a different game design, targeted at a specific real-world use case.

In this post we present you the project from the green zone – BRIDGING – created by Alexander Gösta, Samuel Eliasson and Ashris Choudhury.

To see the projects from the other two zones:
Blue Zone
Orange Zone

BRIDGING is about creating inhabitable structures connecting to areas across an obstacle such as a railroad, a river or an existing building.

BRIDGING can either be played as a competitive two player game or a collaborative four player game. The players are divided by a high wall with a platform on top.

If competitive, the goal is to reach the top platform before your opponent. If collaborative, you play in teams of two and the goal is to connect your bridge before the opponent team does.

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presentation GREEN 8

photo: Samuel Eliasson

presentation GREEN 9

photo: Andrea Quartara

3 thoughts on “20,000 Blocks — Green Zone — Bridging

  1. Pingback: 20,000 Blocks — Orange Zone — How High | 20,000 Blocks

  2. Pingback: 20,000 Blocks — Blue Zone — Do You Mind Yona Friedman? | 20,000 Blocks

  3. Pingback: 20,000 Blocks Video Report from SmartGeometry 2016 | 20,000 Blocks

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